Behind the scenes, the making of Barbie: The World Tour Book. Margot Robbie, Andrew Mukamal, Craig McDean and Fabien Baron take us on the ultimate tour of Barbie’s closet…
Photographer: @craigmcdeanstudio
Creative Director: @fabienbaron
Associate Creative Director: @itsjeremykaye
Art Director: @celenasuwei
Jr Art Director: @pedro.bernstein @hannahlee0920
Project Manager: @evilshreders
Account Director: @ade.fp
Producers: @minav @kynaylor
Stylist: @andrewmukamal
Set Design: @stefanbeckman
Hair: @brycescarlett
Makeup: @ninapark
Nails: @jinsoonchoi
Post Production: @jablonster @jforrestq
Retouching: @sophiehays @_e_v_e_v_r @adamptrs